Loree Forest Snowshoe Scramble
January 11, 2025
10 am Start
2025 Results
SportIdent Timing Splits (rankings not accurate)
Photos (Many more to come - please upload yours!)
​​We love to play in the snow and we know most of you do too! Winter is a fantastic time to navigate through the woods. When the leaves are down, visibility in the forest is excellent and you'll never meet a mosquito.
At our first Loree Forest Snowshoe Scramble in 2024, we welcomed more than 40 adventurers of all ages to Loree Forest - runners and hikers, novices and experienced navigators. Mother Nature cooperated by sending a few snow squalls in the week ahead, then we had brilliant sunshine and fluffy snow on race morning. It was so much fun that we're doing it again and increasing the time limit from 60 to 90 minutes to give you more time to explore.
In thanks for your support of this event, we will donate $1 per participant to Beaver Valley Outreach.
In the orienteering community, our region is best known for its high quality winter navigation races. For almost 20 years, Ontario's most popular snowshoe adventure run, the Dontgetlost Snowshoe Raid hosted by our parent club, has taken place in the Blue Mountains or Horseshoe Valley. This year, the Raid is being held on Saturday, January 25 in the forests north of Barrie. Two weeks later on Sun. Feb. 9, Stars W.A.R. (Winter Adventure Race) is happening in Wasaga Beach Provincial Park.
Both of these events are "choose your adventure" format events for teams of two, which means finding as many flags as possible within a time limit. They attract participants ranging from Parent-Child teams to national orienteering team members. If you're so inclined, the Loree Forest Snowshoe Scramble is a perfect stepping stone to these longer navigation events in our area - or just come out on Jan. 11 and enjoy some local fun!
The Len Gertler Memorial Loree Forest
729153 Side Road 21, Clarksburg, ON
Participants will have up to 90 minutes to find as many checkpoints as possible using the map provided. Checkpoints will have different point values so there is some strategy involved. We expect that snowshoes will make things a lot easier in mid-January, but it is not mandatory to wear them. In fact, we'll hold this event even if there is no snow!
This course is suitable for adults who are comfortable using maps in the outdoors, juniors with a strong navigation background and children accompanied by parents.
This is an individual event but participants are welcome to go out together if they wish.
Categories: Junior Women (Under 18), Junior Open (Under 18), Adult Women, Adult Open, Masters Women (50+), Masters Open (50+), SuperMasters Women (70+), SuperMasters Open (70+)
A Participant's age for this event is their age on December 31, 2025.
Participants aged 12 and under must take part with an adult.
A parent accompanying a participating child does not need to register for the race separately but will be asked to complete a participant waiver for themselves and their child.
Children aged 6 and under may accompany a paid participant and their parent at no charge. The parent will need to sign a waiver on their child's behalf.
REGISTRATION - ** Sorry, the event is sold out! **
Please register online in advance to reserve a map. We won't be able to accept entries on the day of the event. **Note that registration closes on Thursday, January 9 at 11:59 pm.**
By December 31
ADULT: $20
By January 5
ADULT: $25
By January 9
ADULT: $30
Participants may bring their own SportIdent electronic timing card or rent one for $3.
Entry fee includes a copy of the race map, map sleeve, light refreshments and event insurance.
It does not include HST or the online transaction charge.
Before you participate in any Dontgetlost Adventure Running event in 2025, you'll need to sign our online Waiver. Please save volunteer time by signing it now. A Parent or Guardian must sign the online Waiver for any participant who will be under 18 on the day of an event. Thank you!
Sign the Minor Waiver (Parent or Guardian)
The Town of The Blue Mountains charges $5/hour through the Honkmobile app to non-residents who use the paid parking area at Loree Forest (north side of the road, east of the race meeting point). Blue Mountains residents can park for free if their license plate is registered with the Town or if they display a resident parking permit.
Free parking is available nearby on the wide shoulder on the north side of Sideroad 21, east of the paid parking area. Parking is not permitted on the south side of Sideroad 21, nor is it permitted west of the paid parking area. (We told you a compass would come in handy! 😄 ) Please allow space around private driveways and be respectful of local residents, other forest visitors and passing vehicles. We strongly encourage carpooling.
There are no facilities at Loree Forest so please plan accordingly.
Newer orienteers may find the Learn Orienteering website useful. Start with the Orienteering Basics and Orienteering Maps pages, including the section on Orienteering Map Colours. Note that your map will have a legend and the Checkpoint descriptions will be written in English.
9:00-9:35: Participant Check-in and map distribution.
9:40: Course Planner Briefing
Walk or run to the Start location a few hundred meters from the parking.
10:00: Event Start.
11:30: Course Closed. All participants must arrive at the Finish before this time. The Start and Finish are at the same location a few hundred meters from the parking.
11:30-12:15 Light refreshments, compare routes with other participants
Appropriate clothing for the conditions
Basic Compass - A limited number of loaner compasses will be available - first come, first served.
Watch or other timekeeping device, e.g. phone
Cell phone - for safety, not for navigation except in an emergency
You may find a pen and highlighter helpful for planning beforehand
Extra warmth layers in a small backpack
James Gallagher
Past Event Results and Photos
2024 Overall Results Results by Category Splits (rankings not accurate) Photos ​