Sat. October 26, 2024
10 am Start
Kolapore Uplands Parking Lot
2024 Results
2024 Photos
Past Event Results
The Kolapore Uplands has a rich orienteering heritage. The first-ever World Masters Games in 1985 included an orienteering race in Kolapore and the Ontario Orienteering Championships were held here in 1983 and 1998. Last year's Kolapore Old School Orienteering race was the first traditional orienteering event in this area in 25 years! It was so much fun that we're inviting you back to do it again.
We're excited to welcome people of all ages, runners and hikers, novices and experienced navigators. We'll have something for all of you!
Novice and Regular orienteering courses will be offered.
We'll use the 1998 version of the map.
Control punches and punch cards will be used to record your visits to the flags. We'll hang the results on a string like the good old days.
Optional: It's close to Hallowe'en and you're invited to dress or style your hair "old school" - whatever that means to you. There may even be a prize!
Kolapore Uplands Parking Lot, 495445 Grey Rd. 2, Ravenna
This is the main Kolapore Uplands parking lot on the east side of Grey Rd. 2, just north of Kolapore Church.
Kolapore is hilly, rocky escarpment terrain with a well-established trail network. There are large areas of mature deciduous forest, wetlands with coniferous forest, reclaimed farmland and cliffs popular with rock climbers.
The Kolapore Wilderness Trails network consists of approximately 50 kilometres of marked trails that are managed for cross-country skiing in winter and biking and hiking in summer. The trails are located in a rugged, semi-wilderness area along the Niagara Escarpment in The Blue Mountains, about 20 km southwest of Collingwood. Trails are blazed but the network is complex and a map is recommended - even for trail users who aren't orienteering. The trails are managed by the Kolapore Wilderness Trails Association and maintained by volunteers.
KWTA receives no government support so the cost of managing the trails is covered by memberships, donations and proceeds of map sales. Users are encouraged to support the trails by joining the Association or making a donation. There is a donation box at our parking lot meeting place and we encourage orienteers to show their appreciation for the trails. Dontgetlost South Georgian Bay will also make a donation on behalf of the event.
Regular Course
Scale: 1:10,000 Contour Interval 5 meters
Novice Course
Scale: 1:5,000 Contour Interval 5 meters
The original Kolapore orienteering map was made in the early 1980s by Dick and Pat de St. Croix. It was substantially revised for the 1998 Ontario Orienteering Championships by Event Director Lloyd Bishop, Cornel Parvulescu, Susan Ryans and Laddie Haines. In the spirit of Old School Orienteering, we are using the 1998 map and that's part of the challenge. Vegetation has changed over 25 years as the trees and shrubs have grown but the trail network has changed very little. Last year's participants found the map very useable and commented that it had aged surprisingly well.
Both courses will be point-to-point with optional bonus checkpoints. For safety, participants are required to return within a time limit, whether or not they have completed their course. This is an individual event but participants with less experience are welcome to go out together if they register on the same course.
Participants will be given a map with numbered checkpoints to visit in sequence, then there will be several optional bonus checkpoints for people who have time to do a little more. This course is suitable for adults who are comfortable using a map and compass off-trail in rugged terrain and for juniors with a strong navigation background. 2-hour maximum*. (We've increased the time limit from 90 minutes. The course hasn't become longer but we want to give more people a chance to complete the full course and possibly visit bonus controls.)
Categories: Junior Women (Under 18), Junior Open (Under 18), Adult Women, Adult Open, Masters Women (50+), Masters Open (50+)
Participants will be given a map with numbered checkpoints to visit in sequence. All required checkpoints are along trails or very close to trails. Please bring a compass but you may not need to use it. This course is suitable for hikers of all ages, adult novices, adults with time constraints or children accompanied by parents. 90-minute maximum. Last year the winning time was 41 minutes so there will be plenty of time for hikers to enjoy the woods while looking for flags.
Categories: Juniors (Under 18), Adults (18+)
A Participant's age for this event is their age on December 31, 2024.
Participants aged 12 and under must be accompanied by an adult.
A parent accompanying a participating child does not need to register for the race separately but will be asked to complete a participant waiver for themselves and their child.
Children aged 6 and under may accompany a participating parent on the Novice course at no charge. The parent will need to sign a waiver on their child's behalf.
Newer orienteers may find the Learn Orienteering website useful. Start with the Orienteering Basics and Orienteering Maps pages, including the section on Orienteering Map Colours. Your map will have a legend and the Control (Checkpoint) Descriptions will be provided in English so you don't need to memorize any symbols.
Please register online in advance to reserve a map for your desired event. We won't be able to accept entries on the day of the event. **Note that registration closes on Thursday, October 24 at 11:59 pm.**
Before you participate in any Dontgetlost Adventure Running event, you'll need to sign our online Waiver. A Parent or Guardian must sign the online Waiver for any participant who will be under the age of 18 on the day of an event. Thank you!
Sign the Minor Waiver (Parent or Guardian)

By October 21
ADULT: $25
By October 24
ADULT: $30
Entry fee includes a copy of the race map, refreshments and a 2024 DontGetLost Adventure Running membership to cover race insurance.
It does not include the online transaction charge or HST.
Because of the Old School Orienteering theme, participants will use punch cards so you don't need a SportIdent timing card. What does that mean? When you get to a checkpoint, there will be a flag with a plastic "punch" hanging from it. Use it like a stapler to make a pattern of small holes in the square on your punch card that matches the checkpoint number.
Please plan a way to carry this Tyvek punch card in a secure manner. Many people will zip it into a jacket or pack pocket. Some people use safety pins to attach it to their clothing. The dimensions are about 18.5 cm x 9 cm (7.25" x 3.5") and you can fold it.
Kolapore Uplands Parking Lot, 495445 Grey Rd. 2, Ravenna
It's a small lot so we encourage carpooling and efficient parking.
There is a porta-potty at the parking lot, funded by the Kolapore Wilderness Trails Association. (Thank you!) Please consider leaving a donation in the parking lot box to support all the work they do on these trails.